
Discounts Pack for Opencart

This extension bundles several discount modules: Category Discount, Customer Group Discount, Manufacturer Discount & Ordertotal Discount.

New from v1.3.0: You now have the option to include or override the Product Discounts and Special price. On the Discount module edit page (Extensions >> Modules >> Discount), there are two new settings:

Override Product Discounts & Special Price

The "Product Discount Price behaviour" setting gives you 2 options:
  • Default: The discount(s) will be applied to the Product Discount price if a Product Discount price is configured.
  • Override: The configured discount(s) will override the Product Discount price configured for a product.
With the "Product Special Price behaviour" setting you have 3 options:
  • Default: The discount(s) will be applied to the Product Special price if a Special price is configured.
  • Exclusive: The discount(s) will not be applied on products with a Special price configured. (the Product Special price has absolute priority)
  • Override: The configured discount(s) will override the Product Special price configured for a product.

The discounted price will be displayed in the same style as the product special price throughout the shop: on the Product page, Category- & Manufacturer pages etc.

Discount Price in shop

The final discount(s) will be listed as Order Totals on the cart page and checkout.

Discounts Order Totals

All discounts in the Discounts Pack are processed as Order Totals (with the exception of Product Discounts). For every discount module, a seperate order total line will be displayed in the cart.

Category Discounts

This module enables you to add discounts to categories. It is possible to set up a discount for a specific customer group and limit the discount in time. Optionally, a minimum product quantity can be configured, for example: 'Buy 10 products of category Y to get 15% off'. For parent categories, you can specify whether the discount will affect the underlying subcategories (children).

Category Discount Setup

Categories can have multiple subcategories, and subcategories by themselves can also have multiple subcategories. Products can belong to multiple (sub)categories.

The category discount extension takes in account a few simple rules to determine the category discount that applies to any given product:

  • If a product is assigned to multiple categories, then the category with the highest discount (biggest 'percentage' value) takes precedence.
  • When a parent category has a category discount assigned and 'Affect Children' is set to 'Yes', then the discount will be applied to all products in the children categories UNLESS the child category has its' own category discount assigned.
  • Only 1 category discount will be applied to each product in the order, category discounts are not compounded. When a product belongs to 2 or more categories, the highest discount will be applied to that product.

Customer Group Discounts

This module enables you to add discounts globally to customer groups. For instance, you want to set up a 15% discount for registered user, or 30% discount for wholesale customers. It is also possible to set up discounts for anonymous customers who are not registered of logged in.

Category Discount Setup

Manufacturer Discounts

This module enables you to add global discounts to products of particular manufacturers. It is possible to limit the discount to a specific customer group and in time (start & end date). Optionally, a minimum product quantity can be configured, for example: 'Buy 5 products of brand Z to get 10% off'.

Manufacturer Discount Setup

Ordertotal Discounts

This module enables you to add discounts to orders that exceed a certain ordertotal. You can choose between a fixed discount or as a percentage discount of the ordertotal. For instance, you can set up an ordertotal discount of 5€ for any order over 100€, or 10% for orders that exceed 250€. It is possible to limit the discount to a specific customer group and in time (start & end date).

The "Product Special Price behaviour" setting is not available for this discount type.

Order Total Discount Setup

AJAX Save & Stay

All discount modules have a Save & Stay button. Clicking it will immediately send the discount data to the database with AJAX. No need to wait for page-loads, you can instantly preview the discounts you set up in the front-end. There is also an 'on/off' switch for every discount rule. Clicking the on/off button will immediately active/deactivate the discount rule.


Installing the Discounts Pack module

Installation of this extension is very simple. There are two ways you can install the module.

  • With the Extension Installer

  • Download the extension OCMOD file from the Opencart Extension platform and upload the .ocmod.zip package directly (don't unzip!) with the built-in Extension Installer.
    After the upload was successful, refresh the modification cache to complete the installation. Done!

    Upgrading to v1.2.0

    Upgrading from v1.0/v1.1.1 to v1.2.0 is very easy:


    Navigate to Extensions >> Modifications and select 'Discounts Pack' and click the trashbin button to delete this modification. The discounts you have configured will not be lost. Next, upload the ocmod.zip file with the Extension Installer. Now go to Extensions >> Modules >> Discounts and click on the 'Upgrade tables to v1.2.0' button in the lower right corner. Done!


    Upload all files in the upload folder to the root of your Opencart installation. Now go to Extensions >> Modules >> Discounts and click on the 'Upgrade tables to v1.2.0' button in the lower right corner. Done!

    Now start configurating the Discounts Pack module.


Configuring the Discounts Pack module

Navigate to System >> Users >> User Groups and click the Edit button next to the User Group that should be able to access and modify the Discounts Pack discount module (typically Top Administrator).
Scroll down to 'catalog/discount_xxx' and activate the checkboxes for all discount modules, or click 'select all'. Repeat twice (Access & Modify permissions).

Edit permissions

Install the Discounts Module

Navigate to Extensions >> Modules
Click the Install button to install the Discounts module.


Configuring Discounts

Next, start configuring discounts. Navigate to Catalog >> Discounts. Here you will find a menu entry for every discount module. Discount set up is really easy, and similar to the way you set up product discounts or specials. Click the Add button to add a new discount row.

Manufacturer Discount Setup
Add as many discount rows as you need

For each discount row:

  • Select the customer group the discount applies to
  • Set a priority Lower value has higher priority (0 = highest, 99 = lower)
  • Enter a value for the discount (as a percentage)
  • Optionally, specify a Start- and End date for the discount.

With the 'Status' select you can enable/disable the discount globally. To enable/disable 1 specific discount rule click the on/off switch for that particular discount rule. The 'Sort Order' defines the sort order of the Order Total line (where this discount order total line will appear on the order totals list).

Click the Save button to save the edits you made.


No support is provided for this extension.